Robin Lawson


Robin Lawson has performed Home Inspections and Radon Testing for more than twenty-five years . He graduated of Aurora University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, owned and trained Standard bred race horses (trotter and pacer equine), to include the racing greats Brandenburg and Eight Twenty Three, before devoting his full time to helping people make one of the most important decisions of their lives

Robin Lawson is always thorough and enjoys taking the time to inspect the home with the client, to answer questions, and to give advice about repairs. Mr. Lawson is a field-experienced inspector and follows national standards as well as those of the State of Illinois.

When you need a home inspection, don’t hesitate to call Lawson Home Inspections & RADON Testing. If you own your home, Robin Lawson will give you a cost and commitment-free consultation. Trust Robin Lawson to tell you nothing but the truth about your home.

Come talk to Lawson Home Inspections & RADON Testing today, and learn more about how Robin Lawson can help you.

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